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Vice-Chair: Shikha Gianchandani


Topic: Main Topic:  Establishment of International Framework for Disease Crisis and Epidemics Management 


We live in a world, where a disease can mutate at any time, at any cost, and cause massive epidemics throughout and across many regions. As WHO, we are one of the most important committees if it comes to health and any sort of diseases around the world. We have already seen how the Ebola crisis has taken effect around the world especially in Africa.


Our aim should be to establish an international framework, so basically a system where we can successfully manage when a disease strikes wherever in the world. It should not only include long-term, but also short-term, effective, and immediate response initiatives so that the disease does not spread. This includes the management of doctors, facilities, equipment, materials and everything which is needed for an epidemic to be controlled.


We as WHO, as trusted by all the member nations around the world to secure the parameters and provide a safe living for everyone. It is understandable that the response of any crisis may provoke initial loss, but the follow up is in our hands. It is not only Ebola that we managed not so successfully recently, but other plagues, and areas which are still uncovered.


During such an innovational technological world, antidotes of most of the diseases should be available, and should be available for distribution from one place to another rapidly, and this is not happening, and we are here to change that. It is not only about availability it is about making sure the international community follows these rules, and for that, first the basics must be covered, if the basics are covered all around the world, we get a head start. So keeping that in mind, it is your responsibility as delegate to manage and provide an international system for disease crisis, epidemics, and any virus crisis management.


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